UBC Science's first strategic plan, Advancing Science, initiated in 2011, guided the faculty for a decade. Some major achievements during this time included:
- Growth in research funding, strengthened by Canada Research, Canada 150, and President's Excellence chairs
- The launch of the Stewart Blusson Quantum Matter Institute, the Data Science Institute, and the Institute for Oceans and Fisheries
- Just under 100 new additional faculty members from 2015-2020
- The continuation of the Carl Wieman Science Education Initiative
- An increase in students specializing in a Science program by 31% from 2010 to 2020
- An increase in Science teaching by 38%
- An increase in women faculty representation by 5%
Approach to current plan
In 2019, heads and directors began developing a new strategic plan. This was punctuated by the onset of the pandemic, which shaped the process. Initial analysis was done through:
- A data-based assessment of Faculty strengths and weaknesses
- Undergraduate student workshops
- A survey completed by almost 300 faculty, staff, graduate students, and other research personnel, as well as close to 1,300 alumni
- In-depth interviews with over 30 internal and external stakeholders, including leaders of peer Faculties at UBC
The draft framework following initial analysis was put together across the first half of 2020 with the Dean’s Office and Faculty leadership. Dialogue was further advanced through:
- Town hall discussions
- An additional survey that was completed by almost 1,400 undergraduate students
In the fall of 2020, faculty and staff working groups were formed to test and refine emerging draft objectives. Close to 50 colleagues contributed considerable time and expertise in shaping the plan. The revised framework was then strengthened through:
- A second set of student, faculty, and staff town halls
- Meetings with emeriti, alumni, and many of the same stakeholders interviewed at the outset
The Dean’s Advisory Committee provided important feedback throughout the process. A final session in early 2021 with heads and directors confirming their commitment rounded out the engagement.