Powered by our faculty and by the Science Centre for Learning and Teaching (Skylight), we have made Faculty and institution-wide improvements in teaching and learning.
In addition to sustained renewal in curriculum, pedagogy, and program structures, we aim to focus on holistic student development, with special attention to wellbeing, community, and experience. Our objective in these strategies is to promote and enable student success through leadership in pedagogy, inclusive education, and a holistic approach to student support.
Progression in the use of evidence-based approaches to teaching and learning.
This strategy is foundational to the sustained excellence of a UBC Science education. We will support and extend evidence-based pedagogical and curricular innovation. We will strengthen procedures for cross-pollination and mentorship of educational leadership activities across the Faculty. We will create additional co-op and other experiential learning opportunities that help undergraduate students connect with alumni, industry, and the community. In alignment with broader UBC efforts, we will grow our capacity for undergraduate student research. These experiences are an invaluable complement and enrichment to classroom-based study. Recognizing the pressures facing all our students, we will enhance undergraduate and graduate advising, development, and support services, including in mental health.
Cultural competency, equity, diversity, and inclusion through curriculum and pedagogy.
There is broad interest in the Faculty taking a purposeful and considered approach that reflects these tenets throughout our teaching and learning. We must together infuse the principles of equity, diversity, and inclusion into our content, pedagogy, and faculty culture across both undergraduate and graduate programs. We must also align our efforts with those across UBC to broaden the diversity of our student body, as well as their teachers. We will work to map the connections between student success and diversity, as data become available. Ongoing curriculum renewal will reflect Indigenous Ways of Knowing and cultural competencies, while faculty training will extend to inclusive teaching and student wellbeing. We will sponsor student-led groups for those underrepresented in science, while also enhancing advising, recruitment and admissions to support these student populations.
Programming and mechanisms that reinforce a student-centred experience.
We know that student success is predicated on wellbeing and personal growth, and we must create an environment in which all students can thrive and connect. Our work in this strategy aligns with efforts across UBC supporting student mental health, retention, and preparation. We will expand the availability of seats for undergraduate students, especially in required and popular courses. We will develop ways for students to explore opportunities across disciplines and improve their access to courses and specializations. We will expand first-year programming to help students form relationships and chart their pathways through UBC. Knowing that problem solving, communication, data science, and computation are integral to success in our fast-changing world, we will create expanded opportunities for students to develop transferable skills and recognize those competencies academically. We will assess the merits of providing new credentials that reflect the changing needs of students and industry, including professional master’s degrees and “3+2” programs that combine undergraduate and graduate study at an accelerated pace.